Instruction to Author

Dentistry and related medical subjects

The Editorial Process
The manuscripts will be reviewed for possible publication with the understanding that they are being submitted to one journal at a time and have not been published, simultaneously submitted, or already accepted for publication elsewhere. The Editors review all submitted manuscripts initially. Manuscripts with insufficient originality, serious scientific flaws, or absence of importance of message are rejected. The journal will not return the unaccepted manuscripts. Other manuscripts are sent to two or more expert reviewers without revealing the identity of the authors to the reviewers. Within a period of eight to ten weeks, the contributors will be informed about the reviewers’ comments and acceptance/rejection of manuscript. Articles accepted would be copy edited for grammar, punctuation, print style, and format. Page proofs will be sent to the corresponding author, which has to be returned within five days. Correction received after that period may not be included. All manuscripts received are duly acknowledged.

Submit your manuscript submission as follows.
All manuscripts must be submitted on-line through

Title page:
Put all information pertaining to the authors in a separate document. Include the title of the article, full name(s) of the author(s), academic degrees, and institutional affiliations and positions; identify the corresponding author and include an address, telephone and fax numbers, and an e-mail address. This information will not be available to the reviewers.

(Template provided below)
This file should provide

  1. The type of manuscript (original article, Reviews, case reports, Photo gallary Letter to editor, etc.) b) Title of the manuscript (7-25 words),c) running title (50-60 characters),
  2. Names of all authors/ contributors (with their highest academic degrees, designation and affiliations) and name(s) of department(s) and/ or institution(s) to which the work should be credited.
  3. Address of the corresponding author with contact information. All information which can reveal your identity should be here. Use text/rtf/doc files. Do not zip the files.
  4. The total number of pages, b) total number of photographs and c) word counts separately for abstract and d) for the text (excluding the references, tables and abstract).
  5. Source(s) of support in the form of grants, equipment, drugs, or all of these;
  6. Acknowledgement, if any. One or more statements should specify 1) contributions that need acknowledging but do not justify authorship, such as general support by a departmental chair; 2) acknowledgments of technical help; and 3) acknowledgments of financial and material support, which should specify the nature of the support. This should be included in the title page of the manuscript and not in the main article file.
  7. If the manuscript was presented as part at a meeting, the organization, place, and exact date on which it was read. A full statement to the editor about all submissions and previous reports that might be regarded as redundant publication of the same or very similar work. Any such work should be referred to specifically, and referenced in the new paper. Copies of such material should be included with the submitted paper, to help the editor decide how to handle the matter.
  8. Registration number in case of a clinical trial and where it is registered (name of the registry and its URL).
  9. Conflicts of Interest of each author/ contributor. A statement of financial or other relationships that might lead to a conflict of interest, if that information is not included in the manuscript itself or in an authors’ form.
  10. The name, address, e-mail, and telephone number of the corresponding author, who is responsible for communicating with the other authors about revisions and final approval of the proofs, if that information is not included on the manuscript itself.

Original Articles

  1. Abstract: Structured abstracts of 200 words or less are preferred. A structured abstract contains the following sections: Introduction, describing the problem; Methods, describing how the study was performed; Results, describing the primary results; and Conclusions, reporting what the authors conclude from the findings and any clinical implications
  2. Manuscript: Up to 3500 words excluding references and abstract. The manuscript proper should be organized in the following sections: a) Introduction and literature review b) Material and Methods, c) Results, d) Discussion, e) Conclusions f) References, g) figure captions h) Include the list of references with the manuscript proper. Submit figures and tables separately (see below); do not embed figures in the word processing document.
  3. Figures:
    • Upload the images in JPEG format. The file size should be within 1024 kb in size while uploading.
    • Figures should be numbered consecutively according to the order in which they have been first cited in the text.
    • Labels, numbers, and symbols should be clear and of uniform size. The lettering for figures should be large enough to be legible after reduction to fit the width of a printed column.
    • Symbols, arrows, or letters used in photomicrographs should contrast with the background and should be marked neatly with transfer type or by tissue overlay and not by pen.
    • When graphs, scatter-grams or histograms are submitted the numerical data on which they are based should also be supplied.
    • The photographs and figures should be trimmed to remove all the unwanted areas.
    • If photographs of individuals are used, their pictures must be accompanied by written permission to use the photograph.
    • If a figure has been published elsewhere, acknowledge the original source and submit written permission from the copyright holder to reproduce the material. A credit line should appear in the legend for such figures.
    • Legends for illustrations: Detailed explanation of the legends for illustrations is mandatory.
    • Type illustrations using double spacing, with Arabic numerals corresponding to the illustrations. When symbols, arrows, numbers, or letters are used to identify parts of the illustrations, identify and explain each one in the legend. Explain the internal scale (magnification) and identify the method of staining in photomicrographs.
    • For digital images, ensure that the image has minimum resolution of 300 dpi or 1800 x 1600 pixels in JPEG/TIFF format. Restrict the number of images to a maximum of six.
    • The Journal reserves the right to crop, rotate, reduce, or enlarge the photographs to an acceptable size.
  4. Tables: Tables should be self-explanatory and should supplement, not duplicate, the text. Number them with Roman numerals, in the order they are mentioned in the text. Provide a brief title for each. If a table has been previously published, include a footnote in the table giving full credit to the original source. Submit tables as text-based files (Word or Excel, for example) and not as graphic elements.
  5. Model release and permission forms: Photographs of identifiable persons must be accompanied by a release signed by the person or both living parents or the guardian of minors. Illustrations or tables that have appeared in copyrighted material must be accompanied by written permission for their use from the copyright owner and original author, and the legend must properly credit the source. Permission also must be obtained to use modified tables or figures.

Case Reports
Case Reports will be evaluated for completeness and quality of records, quality of treatment, uniqueness of the case, and quality of the manuscript. Abstracts of 200 words or less are preferred. Word limit is 2000 excluding abstract and reference. A high-quality manuscript will include the following sections: introduction; diagnosis; Etiology; treatment objectives, alternatives, progress, and results; and discussion. The submitted figures should include extra oral and intraoral photographs and dental models, panoramic radiographs and tracings from both pre-treatment and post treatment, and progress or retention figures as appropriate.

Review articles
Systemic critical assessments of literature and data sources. Up to 3500 words excluding references and abstract. Abstracts of 200 words or less are preferred. Research Gaps in Policies, Protocols and Practice: This section would cover insights on existing gaps in the policies, protocols and practice pertaining to oral health and diseases. The review formats have to highlight the need to bridge the gap in one or all aspects, so that the optimum oral health is achieved.

Short Communications:
should not exceed 2000 words, including the bibliography, and should include a minimal number of figures or tables. Abstracts of 200 words or less are preferred Priority will be given to communications relating to primary research data, preferably clinical but also basic.

Miscellaneous Submissions:
Letters to the Editor and Ask Us questions and answers appear in the Readers’ Forum section and are encouraged to stimulate healthy discourse concerning the profession. Send letters or questions directly to the editor, via e-mail: Submit a signed copyright release with the letter, or fax or mail separately. Brief, substantiated commentary on subjects of interest to the orthodontic profession is occasionally published as a Guest Editorial or Special Article. Send Guest Editorials or Special Articles directly to the editor, via e-mail Submit a signed copyright release with the editorial, or fax or mail separately.

Photo Gallery
Figures: Upload the images in JPEG format. Word limit is 40-50 The file size should be within 1024 kb in size while uploading Figures should be numbered consecutively according to the order in which they have been first cited in the text. Labels, numbers, and symbols should be clear and of uniform size. The lettering for figures should be large enough to be legible after reduction to fit the width of a printed column.

Authorship criteria:

  1. Substantial contributions to conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data;
  2. Drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and
  3. Final approval of the version to be published.

Conditions 1, 2, 3 and 4 must all be met. Acquisition of funding, the collection of data, or general supervision of the research group, by themselves, do not justify authorship. The order of authorship on the byline should be a joint decision of the co-authors. Authors should be prepared to explain the order in which authors are listed. Once submitted the order cannot be changed without written consent of all the authors.

For a study carried out in a single institute, the number of authors should not exceed six. For a case-report and for a review article, the number of authors should not exceed four.

Only those who have done substantial work in a particular field can write a review article. A short summary of the work done by the authors (s) in the field of review should accompany the manuscript. The journal expects the authors to give post-publication updates on the subject of review. The update should be brief, covering the advances in the field after the publication of article and should be sent as letter to editor, as and when major development occur in the field.

Copyright Form
(template provided above) has to be submitted in original with the signatures of all the contributors to within two weeks of manuscript submission.

Conflict of interest statement:
Report any commercial association that might pose a conflict of interest, such as ownership, stock holdings, equity interests and consultant activities, or patent-licensing situations. If the manuscript is accepted, the disclosed information will be published with the article. The usual and customary listing of sources of support and institutional affiliations on the title page is proper and does not imply a conflict of interest. Guest editorials, Letters, and Review articles may be rejected if a conflict of interest exists.

When reporting experiments on human subjects, indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional or regional) and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2000 (available at Do not use patients’ names, initials, or hospital numbers, especially in illustrative material. When reporting experiments on animals, indicate whether the institution’s or a national research council’s guide for, or any national law on the care and use of laboratory animals was followed.

References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text (not in alphabetic order). Identify references in text, tables, and legends by Arabic numerals in superscript. References cited only in tables or figure legends should be numbered in accordance with the sequence established by the first identification in the text of the particular table or figure. Use the style of the examples below, which are based on the formats used by the NLM in Index Medicus. The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the style used in Index Medicus. Use complete name of the journal for non-indexed journals. Avoid using abstracts as references. Information from manuscripts submitted but not accepted should be cited in the text as “unpublished observations” with written permission from the source. Avoid citing a “personal communication” unless it provides essential information not available from a public source, in which case the name of the person and date of communication should be cited in parentheses in the text. For scientific articles, contributors should obtain written permission and confirmation of accuracy from the source of a personal communication. If the number of authors is more than six, list the first six authors followed by et al.

Journal references

Standard journal article
Kulkarni SB, Chitre RG, Satoskar RS. Serum proteins in tuberculosis. J Postgrad Med 1960; 6:113-120.
Volume with supplement
Shen HM, Zhang QF. Risk assessment of nickel carcinogenicity and occupational lung cancer. Environ Health Perspect 1994; 102 Suppl 1:275-282.
Issue with supplement
Payne DK, Sullivan MD, Massie MJ. Women’s psychological reactions to breast cancer. Semin Oncol 1996; 23(1, Suppl 2):89-97.
Books and Other Monographs
Personal author(s)
Ringsven MK, Bond D. Gerontology and leadership skills for nurses. 2nd ed. Albany (NY): Delmar Publishers; 1996.
Editor(s), compiler(s) as author
Norman IJ, Redfern SJ, editors. Mental health care for elderly people. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1996.
Chapter in a book
Phillips SJ, Whisnant JP. Hypertension and stroke. In: Laragh JH, Brenner BM, editors. Hypertension: pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management. 2nd ed. New York:
Raven Press; 1995. pp 465-478.